Meet Roxy, Student At The Fashion Institute Of Technology With A Passion For Fashion

Roxy Saravia is currently pursuing her Master of Arts at the Fashion Institute of Technology. She majored in Business Administration and minored in Fashion Marketing during her undergraduate years at Pace University! On top of her studies, she is also working as the Production Assistant of The Wendy Williams Show, and she runs her podcast, "Coffee on The Rox" during her spare time. With her impressive range of internship experiences, Roxy shared with us about her favorite experience and she gave advice for college students looking to pursue a career in fashion. Check out her profile to learn more about this driven woman with a passion for fashion! 

Q: Do you have any favorite memories from Pace? Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back to your time there? And how has the transition been from attending Pace to attending FIT?

Roxy: “I majored in Business Administration for undergrad at Pace University and minored in Fashion Marketing! I don’t think I would have done anything different back then because I truly believe every step of the process happened the way it was supposed to happen. I truly stick by the quote, ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ Every. Single. Thing. The transition has been quite a journey. Going from living in a fast-paced city and seeing my friends every day to moving back to Connecticut and taking all of my classes online. It has been a hard transition but I’m pushing through it!”

Q: You have an impressive range of internship experiences for companies including Daniel Wellington and The Wendy Williams Show! What has been your favorite experience so far? And what would you say are the most important qualities to possess for a career in fashion?

Roxy: “My favorite experience has been meeting different people along the way. My most memorable experience was something not many people would think is a big deal but I’ll never forget it. I was passing by the studio as the Wendy Williams show was taping and I kind of just stood on the side and had a pinch me moment. I really could not believe I was working at The Wendy Williams show. Looking back 4 years ago, I would have never pictured myself being there. The most important qualities to have in fashion are: be yourself and don’t put so much pressure into your appearance. I find that every time I just throw something on that I feel good in and I think looks good on my body, is when people usually compliment me the most. I think it’s because I’m not forcing anything. I’m just wearing whatever I think looks good on me and most importantly, makes me feel good on the inside. Also, when you are unapologetically yourself is when people really start to see you for who you really are and I think that’s something so admirable.”

Q: What does the term, “fashion” mean to you? How would you describe your own personal style?

Roxy: “Fashion is more than just clothes. Fashion is how each individual expresses themselves through their clothes. I think my own style is just whatever I’m feeling in the moment. Sometimes I’ll throw on a boho look. Other times I’ll dress more edgy. I don’t really know honestly, I kind of just do whatever feels good in the moment.”

Q: You’re currently a Production Assistant for The Wendy Williams Show! How do you balance time for your job with your studies and also your creative endeavors?

Roxy: “Get a planner! Oh, and Google Calendar is also a life saver. Plan, plan, plan! Seriously, I plan everything days in advance because if I don’t, my life would be a complete mess. It is messy to begin with but planning makes everything easier.”

Q: During your time at Pace University, you started a club called the Creator’s Club - Can you share about your experience creating your own club and being President?

Roxy: “The Creator’s Club is probably my favorite memory of undergrad because my friends and I started it from scratch. We had an idea, worked on it and turned it into a reality. We created a community that I wish I had when I first came to Pace. It was hard at first because we did not know what to expect. Were people going to show up to the meetings? How can we get people to keep coming back? What should we talk about at the meetings? As the president, I had to come to terms with many things like knowing that some days not as many people will come to the meetings and that’s okay. I tried not to put so much pressure on the club because we had just started it but it’s something I’ll always be proud of.”

Q: You also run the podcast called Coffee On The Rox! Can you share with us the inspiration behind creating this podcast? What has been your favorite episode to record so far?

Roxy: “I love to talk. I can talk about anything for hours. Sometimes I really do feel like I bother some of my friends because I call them all the time, so I made a podcast! I want people to learn at least one thing from each podcast episode. Whether that’s learning how to love yourself, helping someone feel less alone, or honestly…anything. I love Emma Chamberlain’s podcast; Anything Goes because she talks about things that matter and that most of us go through. It’s very draining sometimes when I listen to a podcast episode of someone who is not invested in the episode topic and it all just sounds so fabricated. I talk to my microphone like if I were talking to a friend because sometimes, I really do need to listen to my own advice. I bring guests onto the podcast who I find inspiring and who could give others advice as well. My all-time favorite podcast episodes are: All About Fitness ft. Ginny King and Being in Your 20’s ft. Clara Desir. They’re two of my best friends so it was nice to just talk to them without the conversation feeling forced.”

Q: Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?

Roxy: “Ah, I don’t know. As someone who always used to plan out their life all the time (I'm talking about marriage, where I'd be living, what job I'd be working) - I’ve learned to find joy in just living a different day each day. Life constantly changes so I kind of just take in each day and see where it takes me! I hate sticking to a routine. I like to spice things up each day as much as I can.”

Q: What do you root your identity in?

Roxy: “I love this question because I don’t think I’ve ever been asked this before. I think I root my identity in self-care. Whether it be cycling, recording a podcast, continuing my education or just bettering myself in any way - I have learned to prioritize my physical and mental health more than anything else. I wasn’t in the best place at the beginning of this year, so to see where I am now just inspires me to look forward to each day. I really do hope that I can help at least one person love themselves a little more each day.”

Thank you so much for speaking with us Roxy! Roxy is wearing our Faux Suede Jacket from our Fall 2020 collection.

Follow Roxy on Instagram and check out her podcast, Coffee On The Rox

Photography by Roxy Saravia